

Our main product for helping is a free book.


Our first and currently only book is called:
Quest for a Depression-free Life
The information has the power to transform your life.

Help Heal Depression - Quest for a depression-free life book cover

The Power of Knowledge

There is a way and you will find it.

Are you ready to turn the page to the next chapter of your life? Don't close the book, turn the page and discover what the next chapter will be about. Don't close the entire book if you can still turn the pages.

Life has different chapters. A bad chapter does not mean its the end of the book. The positive twist usually comes towards the end if you keep on reading. Some things happen to teach us lessons and to learn from it; not to give us reasons to give up.

This book is waiting to be read by you.

Recommendations for products and services

We do not offer these products and services ourselves.


We make recommendations for certain hand-picked products. We highly recommend reading the book “Quest for a depression-free life” first. The electronic version of it is free.

The recommendations include products such as:


We also make recommendations for certain services. Please, if possible, read our free e-book about the topic of reducing or healing depression first.