Our Projects
Project #1 - BOOK #1
Book name: Quest for a depression-free life
Why I wrote this book
Why I wrote: “Quest for a depression-free life” book.
I am a human being sharing the same planet with you. I wish to be happy and I wish it to everyone, not just for the current, but also for all future generations. Life can be pretty challenging at times. Many of us have the capabilities to help those going through tough times. I wish to help. I imagine living on a planet full of happy, kind, loving, smiling people. A world of unity and equality, where all of our actions are rooted in goodness. I believe in the goodness of our hearts. I start with myself and I share what I think can contribute greatly for those who wish the same for themselves and for others. Let’s strive together to reach higher versions of our goodness. Let’s keep extending it to reach everyone. Let’s look at life in holistic ways, acknowledge and consider the interconnectedness of various systems, and open up to a broader way of looking at life from a higher perspective. Let’s focus on new and better solutions, on lasting positive changes, which are for the good of everyone involved, the whole ecosystem of life.
About this project
The nature of this project is to listen to feedback from readers and various experts and continuously keep improving the book.
When the book reaches even more maturity, and there will be ongoing positive feedback and demand for it, it is planned to make it available also as a physical book not just digital.
In general with most illnesses, it would be great if more importance would be given to diet, nutrition, detox as it is given now. It will of course not cure people from deep psychological traumas and fulfill psychological needs, but in certain forms of depression it could help quite a bit to help make the whole nervous and endocrine systems function properly again on their own – makes sense for the part of the standard treatment which involves antidepressants – to have a nutritional plan for healing the physical aspects of the body so that antidepressants are not needed for too long anymore or just very mild ones with much lower dosages and not maxing out dosages over time and thus minimizing possible side-effects.
Other Upcoming Projects
Related projects which are being considered
Future projects
We are open for your ideas, recommendations, partnerships. Feel free to contact us.
Here is a list of potential projects:
- Ongoing: further improve the first book and get it published
- Another related book
- A video documentary based on the information in the first book
- An education e-course

How You Can Help
Help is always welcome!
FaceBook Group
Join and participate in the facebook group, which was created for the readers of the book: "Quest for a depression-free life".
You can give feedback for book contents, help with proofreading or assist with various other book publishing activities, write or record a testimonial review.
You can support us with marketing/promotion activities. You can share information about this book for example via social media to reach more people - the more people live happier lives the better for everyone.
Are you a holistic practitioner who has helpful insights and good results with treating depression? Get in touch for example for an interview. We would love to hear from you.
If the information in the book was helpful to you. If you wish to support more marketing activities to reach more people, or if you want to support upcoming projects.